
Let's Get Real
Katie lived the first ten years of her life on a dairy farm in a tiny little community in Southern Idaho. She spent much of her time outside in the creeks, meadows, mountains and trees when she wasn't working the farm with her dad. These roots gave her a deep love and appreciation for nature. Since then, Katie has moved around quite a bit, but has always called the North West her home. Many challenging situations over her life stimulated her to look deep within herself to find authenticity, truth and deeper meaning in life. After her younger sister passed away in 2012, a friend put a guitar in her hand and taught her a few chords. Katie quickly found her passion and her therapy in expressing herself through writing songs and playing music. Her music is both soulful and ethereal, soft and passionate, and most of all raw and real. Katie pulls her experiences from the marrow in her bones and translates it into rhyme and melody that will give you roots, as well as wings.
Upcoming Shows
Open Mic Encore Performance
Moscow Brewing Company
Moscow, ID
Tuesday Community Market
Latah County Fairgrounds
Moscow, ID
Pubbin' on the Patio
Palouse Clearwater Environmental
Institute, Moscow Idaho
Pullman Farmers Market
Brelsford WSU Visitor Center, 150 E Spring St, Pullman, WA 99163
Late July Festival
Latah County Fairgrounds
Moscow, ID 83843
June 6th 7 pm to 10 pm
June 13th from 4 pm to 7 pm
June 30th 6pm to 7pm
July 17th 3:30pm to 6 pm
July 29th 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm